KnobelKing Multiplayer Online Game
I did this one for Xendex as a freelancer. You can see it online at the Youth Portal of an Austrian Bank here. It's a multiplayer game and uses an Applet on the clientside and a servlet running on tomcat as a server. All the games are written into a database to be retrieved later (e.g. for a tournament), users can choose between 4 different characters and you can even play vs. the Computer! If you want to know more about my work or want to hire me you can always contact me! Picture Uploader Utility
The austrian website offers a free picture upload service at As I didn't want to start my browser for every picture I wanted to upload, me and El Barto wrote this litte program. It goes into your SendTo folder and enables you to upload 1-n pictures to the above website. If the upload is complete the new download URL gets copied into your clipboard.
Read the included readme.txt for further instructions
download download

FuzoTicker 1.0 Ticker Applet
One of my favorite sites ( offers a free newsletter. Now, to integrate this newsletter into your site you can use the FuzoTicker, written by me. futurezone even did a short feature for it, read it here!
A short excerpt in german:
Java als "Bierware"
Von ob der Enns, namentlich dem schönen Städtchen Hagenberg, hat uns "Nagelfar" die Java-Version des fuZo-Tickers 1.0 zukommen lassen. "Das Applet ist nicht Freeware, sondern Bierware, d.h. wenn es dir gefällt, dann kannst du mir eine Flasche von deinem Lieblingsbier schicken."

OuttaSpace SpaceShooter
My first real try in applet game programming, a space shooter called OuttaSpace.

JNagelMapBuilder Application
This is a betaversion of an editor for the online Risk clone "Impera Online". Needs JRE 1.4 to run.
download (right click save as...)

Human Meat Application
This is an application, that solves the well know Missionaries and Cannibals problem using the A* algorithm. Needs Java 1.4 to run.
download Human Meat (right click save as...)

JNagelPicturePanel JavaBean
Fed up that neither Java itself nor Jbuilder provide an easy way to include pictures in your Swing Apps?
If so then this bean is for you. That panel not only shows your picture but also scales it to the desired size. Fully integrable into JBuilder. See screenshot for details!

JNagelTrafficLight JavaBean
Simple Swing TrafficLight for your applications, wrote that, because I had to indicate wether a program was stopped (red light), running (green light) or if there was a warning (orange light). This been, too, is fully customizable for your needs and can be easily integrated into JBuilder. See screenshot for more information!
